Subject: Wordpress - Incorrect Wrong URL Address Site Page Settings
The following message was sent by our staff regarding the above subject:
If your Wordpress site is loading the Alternate URL (i.e. http://IP-ADDRESS/*yourdomain/) or another incorrect address, please see below:
This is usually fixed by changing Settings in the Wordpress Admin.
Login to the Wordpress admin for your site -- usually (may be /wordpress)
Go to:
1) Settings/General
This controls your site url/home (this will need to be and probably is the source of the issue)
2) Settings/Permalinks
Controls link format and has essential .htaccess code to install (done automatically if you set . htaccess to 666 in File Manager-> Change Permissions)
3) Pages/All Pages
For best results:
Select the page to edit: i.e. Front Page
-- Use the Code Editor (in the options)
-- Remove references to:
That should do it.
* In the above, is your actual website, and IPADDRESS is the SERVER IP, i.e.
Please feel free to contact us again if you have any other questions or issues. Thank you for contacting us.
Best regards,
Support Team |