Subject: Wordpress - Autoinstaller Installation Instructions
The following message was sent by our staff regarding the above subject:
Wordpress is available to be installed for the primary hosting account through the hosting control panel with the [Autoinstaller].
*** Please note that PHP 5 (Legacy) accounts are limited to PHP 5.3 maximum and the highest available version of Wordpress to support this is 4.5.
Wordpress 4.9 and greater can be used on our PHP 7 servers.
More information here:
1) Select Wordpress
2) Choose to install as root or in a subdirectory named /wordpress
3) Install Now
4) Read the post-installation instructions (on screen) and try to access your Wordpress installation
If any issues arise, follow these steps: (Legacy only)
If you are using Apache 2* (recommended), edit the .htaccess file in your /wordpress directory (if applicable) with the [File Manager] and comment out this line "AddHandler cgi-php5 .php" by adding a '#' in front of it, so that the final result is:
#AddHandler cgi-php5 .php
If you are using Apache 1 (default) and or PHP 4 (default), you must first enable PHP 5 - Use [PHP Manager] -> [PHP 5 Manager] -> [Enable PHP 5 as Default] (select wordpress/ if you did not do a root install).
2) Use [File Manager] from the control panel to change the permission of wp-config.php to 644 with the Permissions drop down menu
3) If your Wordpress site loads with an error like: Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'DATABASE_USER'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in (../server path/to your site/):
Edit the wp-config.php file (in your Wordpress directory) to make sure your database username and password are correctly set through the [File Manager]
For the below, change DATABASE_NAME and DATABASE_USER to your database username as well as DATABASE_PASS to your database password. This should usually be your primary hosting account username and password.
// ** MySQL settings - You can get this info from your web host ** //
/** The name of the database for WordPress */
/** MySQL database username */
/** MySQL database password */
4) Reload your Wordpress page. If you're asked for a username and password, please again enter the database username and password
5) You should now be able to complete the installation** of Wordpress!
* If you're not using Apache 2, it's highly recommended -- Upgrade to the Apache 2 web server with PHP 5.3 now to take advantage of faster speed, more stability and better handling of PHP at -no- cost to you. It's as easy as clicking [Apache] in the Web Hosting control panel. Please see here for full information:
** For further assistance, the latest version is always available at and consulting help documentation is at .
Please feel free to contact us again if you have any other questions or issues. Thank you for contacting us.
Best regards,
Support Team |